Sunday, September 27, 2015

Love, Rosie by C Ahern

I got through this book... Though it did drag and drag.
Who takes 45 years to decide they need to be together?
Absolute utter nonsense.
The only part, in the whole book, which I found original and fresh, was when the bikers from the pub rob Greg and give Rosie some of the loot.
That was the only part I liked.
I guess the writing style was different. But I wish they had gotten together sooner.
Movie, in my opinion, is infinitely better. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

We live like dogs

So recently, someone told me that we live like dogs.
I was quite taken aback by this statement. What did it mean?
I was also quite surprised. Surely, just because we in the Government sector don't live like multi-millionaires, does not mean that we don't have certain standards of living.
Perhaps this person has never seen the adverse conditions in which over 60% of India lives. Everyone makes do with what best they can. Even us government servants make do with what best we have. One should be grateful for all that one has and the sacrifices being made. We all do the best we can in our prevailing circumstances.
I also feel it underlines a lack of respect. For money, for time, for sacrifices, for the other person's feelings.
Overall, the level of respect for Government appears to be at an all time low I feel. It is very easy to criticize and not appreciate all that we do... I personally don't understand why I bring work home. I don't get any kind of reward for it. No one appreciates it.
We live like dogs but we eat like kings. That has got to go down in my history as one of the worst things I have ever heard. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

This has got to be one of the best Murakamis I've ever read.
Often I feel my mind wanders back to the book... the well.
It touches somewhere deep in your subconscious.
I often think about it when I am alone.

Even the scene during WWII, the gruesome death of the soldier.
It leaves an imprint in your mind.
There is some kind of testament to the modern day world as well
How are we living? What are we doing? 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Norwegian Wood by Murakami

Just a girl... meeting a boy...
What is life? What are we thinking about? Why don't we just live, instead of thinking about living?
This book is an insightful story about two young people growing up. Both feel guilty about their friend's suicide. But one just can't let him go.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Quitting is easy... staying on is the challenge

It is so easy to just quit and let it all slide!!
So easy....
What's not so easy is dealing with the consequences!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Started in Singapore, finished in New Delhi....

The best part of this book was the beginning. When you start reading about The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, you just get enveloped into a new land and want to read more about Daniel's life, Victor Hugo's pen and Barcelona. The book comes together so perfectly, that you start believing that the author must be some born-again Buddhist who personifies karma and the circle of re-birth in his writings.

I don't know Spanish, but the English version of Zafon's book was wonderful. I finally finished it on the October 2 long weekend in 2014. And I'm so glad that I came across this beautiful book. My next Spanish author is Marquez. I'm not sure when I'll be finishing his 100 Years, but that book is so well written that I thank God for such talented authors in our midst.

And that I have access to them all!! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Data mining

So I'm reading a book called "Numerati" which is all about the world of analytics and data... then I came across an article in the Business Standard about how "data scientists" were earning millions because companies like Walmart were interested in seeing patterns in buying behavior.

Manipulation of buyers is frequent... but what you want to avoid are the barnacles, that in turn take advantage of the free deals without contributing in return. So it's like people like me, who have a credit card but always pay before the deadline... hence never having to avail of credit in the first place!! I love credit cards btw,... It makes life so interesting!! And online shopping so much fun!!

Deviations though are common - so let me get back to my main theme. Am I a predictable buyer? Well Yes, and No. Every weekend, I visit the grocery store, and buy my veggies and household provisions for the week. Every other day, I buy 3 L of milk and some bread.

I really don't have that much else. It's good to have a mini-supermarket behind the house, particularly when you want to make pizza at home.

I hardly spend on anything else, except my dry cleaning. Rest all goes in sundry expenses....

Even if there are deals in the store, I remain loyal to my brands. Particularly Amul.

What will data miners do about me? How will companies manipulate me? They can try... but the thing about manipulation is when you know it is happening... you won't be party to it!!